MRR talk: Open hour

Top experts and practitioners talking about human rights at local level

Practitioners from Bangladesh to Ghana and from India to Kenya have questions on human rights and valuable experiences to share. MRR talk: Open hour is your space to connect with experts and your peers. Join us live every other month, because we need to talk!

Financially supported by the Federal Foreign Office

Next Open hour: 14 december, 9am CET

Two experts will be there for you in each MRR talk: Open hour.

Voice your opinion. Ask your question. Listen in.

In “MRR talk: Open hour”, a panel of renowned experts on working with rights is there to engage with you – and you can exchange with your peers too.

What’s on the Open Hour agenda? That’s up to you! Share challenges and questions you have on using human rights in your work on water & sanitation. Together, we’ll find an answer.

On 15 December, connect with:
  • Mohamad Mova Al’Afghani (he/him), Director of the Center for Regulation, Policy and Governance (CRPG) in Indonesia. He is an expert in Water Law and environment and natural resources issues, especially relating to water, dangerous chemicals and mining governance.
  • Malesi Shivaji (he/him) CEO of the Kenyan network of WASH sector civil society organisations (KEWASNET). As an advocate and civil society leader, he has seen first-hand how civil society organisations have changed so they are ready to work in line with human rights. Malesi has worked with civil society in various sectors, including food security, environment and climate change, livelihoods, and water and sanitation

Our experts waiting for you

Sareen Malik, Executive Secretary, African Civil Society Network on Water and Sanitation (ANEW).

Lajana Manandhar, Regional Coordinator Freshwater Action Network South-Asia (FANSA) and Executive Director, Lumanti. 

Mohamad Mova Al’Afghani, Director, Center for Regulation, Policy and Governance (CRPG).

Alana Potter, International Coordinator, End Water Poverty (EWP).

Malesi Shivaji, CEO, Kenya Water and Sanitation Civil Society Network (KEWASNET).

Tseguereda Abraham, Senior WaSH Manager Governance, Rights and Accountability WaterAid UK (WaterAid UK).
Bikash Kumar Pati, Technical Specialist Water at WaterAid India (WaterAid India).

Hannah Neumeyer, Coordinator, Make Rights Real consortium (MRR).

Laura van de Lande, Manager, Make Rights Real consortium (MRR).

About MRR Talk: Open hour

Practitioners working in civil society organisations from Bangladesh to Ghana and from India to Kenya are aware that water and sanitation are internationally recognised human rights. Many use human rights in their work, invoking rights with government, lobbying for policy change, or activating people to claim their rights.

However, human rights often remain an abstract concept that’s difficult to apply to the complex mix of challenges:

  • Government officials can be reluctant or unable to live up to their duty.
  • Change is slow and this creates frustration. International human rights seem meaningless when marginalisation is based on age-old social norms.
  • Or there may simply not be a budget for duty bearers to work with.

We are all aware that water and sanitation are internationally recognised human rights. MRR talk: Open hour provides a space for learning and exchange on the questions and challenges of working with rights – and the positive experiences that have contributed to real change.

What to expect

Talk, discussion, questions! Working with human rights makes a difference, but at the moment, this remains hidden. By connecting people with similar experiences, questions and challenges across countries and contexts, we can learn from each other. Don’t be shy and join us to make MRR talk: Open hour as lively and useful as it can be!

Who can join?

The talks will be interesting for anyone working in civil society organisations – whether you are already using human rights in your work or are interested in doing so (more). For those working with human rights at a more international level, it can be a valuable space to hear about the challenges of applying rights in practice. In any case, everybody with an interest in the practical use of the human rights to water and sanitation at local level is welcome to join!

How to join

MRR talk open hour will be live on Zoom every second month. There is no set agenda – simply join at any time and listen in, ask a question, share an experience. Don’t be shy! We all have questions all the time! Every Open hour will host two of the experts from our panel and discussions will be moderated by Hannah and Laura. There is no need to register in advance, simply click the Zoom link to join.

Recent MRR talk: Working on the long game​

Understanding & addressing root causes for the lack of services in informal settlement

Informal settlements are home to more than one billion people in cities across the world. Poor access to services for water, sanitation and other necessities is a defining factor of these marginalised spaces. In this episode of MRR talk, we will explore the multi-faceted nature of marginalisation and what this means for organisations working on WASH in informal settlements.

Listen to the recording of MRR talk episode 6 to find out more: