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The Making Rights Real (MRR) approach translates human rights concepts in such a way that they become relevant in local government processes that are common in many countries. It has been developed together by experts on human rights, WASH and communication.

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The Making Rights Real (MRR) approach translates human rights concepts in such a way that they become relevant in local government processes that are common in many countries. It has been developed together by experts on human rights, WASH and communication.

Making Rights Real​

Made for: WASH sector practitioners who work with local government institutions
Made by: The Making Rights Real consortium – see below “About this website”

Equality, non-discrimination and inclusion toolkit​

Made for: Programme and advocacy staff
Made by: WaterAid


Made for: Civil society organisations and communities
Made by: End Water Poverty

Accessibility and safety audits​

Made for:Practitioners in local government institutions and programme staff

Made by: WaterAid, WEDC

Realizing the human rights to water and sanitation: A Handbook​

Made for: Government institutions, service providers and regulators

Made by: Catarina de Albuquerque, then UN Special Rapporteur

Manual on the human rights to water and sanitation for practitioners​

Made for: Operators, managers and regulators

Made by: IWA

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How to take part: Campaign Guide

This short Campaign Guide explains the three simple steps to taking part. It includes inspiration for writing stories and creating images.

Ready to use campaign images

You don't have a picture to share with your social media post? Just use one of the ready to use campaign images. You can include your logo too!

Use the campaign logo

You want to use a picture of your work with your social media post? Great! You can add the campaign logo and your own logo to the picture.

Questions? Ask us!

You are not sure about something? Simply send us an email and we will do our best to help you!

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The Making Rights Real (MRR) approach translates human rights concepts in such a way that they become relevant in local government processes that are common in many countries. It has been developed together by experts on human rights, WASH and communication.

What is the #MakeRightsReal campaign?​​​

On 30 September 2010, the UN Human Rights Council recognised that the human rights to water and sanitation are part of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This international treaty is obligatory for 171 countries.

10 years after the human rights to water and sanitation were first recognised, the #MakeRightsReal campaign will:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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You can use Making Rights Real in all kinds of WASH sector programmes and in combination with your own methods or approaches. It consists of materials that introduce human rights concepts to local

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You can use Making Rights Real in all kinds of WASH sector programmes and in combination with your own methods or approaches. It consists of materials that introduce human rights concepts to local

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You can use Making Rights Real in all kinds of WASH sector programmes and in combination with your own methods or approaches. It consists of materials that introduce human rights concepts to local

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You can use Making Rights Real in all kinds of WASH sector programmes and in combination with your own methods or approaches. It consists of materials that introduce human rights concepts to local

Section Headline mit Bild geeignet für Frontpage und Page-Header

The Making Rights Real (MRR) approach translates human rights concepts in such a way that they become relevant in local government processes that are common in many countries. It has been developed together by experts on human rights, WASH and communication.

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The Making Rights Real (MRR) approach translates human rights concepts in such a way that they become relevant in local government processes that are common in many countries. It has been developed together by experts on human rights, WASH and communication.


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The Making Rights Real (MRR) approach translates human rights concepts in such a way that they become relevant


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The Making Rights Real (MRR) approach translates human rights concepts in such a way that they become relevant in local government processes that are common in many countries. It has been developed together by experts on human rights, WASH and communication.

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The Making Rights Real (MRR) approach translates human rights concepts in such a way that they become relevant in local government processes that are common in many countries. It has been developed together by experts on human rights, WASH and communication.

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The Making Rights Real (MRR) approach translates human rights concepts in such a way that they become relevant in local government processes that are common in many countries. It has been developed together by experts on human rights, WASH and communication.

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The Making Rights Real (MRR) approach translates human rights concepts in such a way that they become relevant in local government processes that are common in many countries. It has been developed together by experts on human rights, WASH and communication.